Holiday Break or Study Time? Ministry Warns Against Vacation Teaching Practices

As the first term of 2024 draws to a close, the Ministry of Education and Sports issues a stern warning against educational institutions engaging students in teaching and coaching activities during the upcoming holidays.

Commencing on February 5 and concluding on Friday, May 2, the first term allows only one week for students to enjoy their break. However, despite this limited holiday period, numerous educational institutions have adopted the practice of keeping learners engaged in studies.

Joyce Moriku Kadacu, the minister of state for primary education, emphasized the ministry’s stance, stating that such practices will not be tolerated.

“The Ministry of Education and Sports will not condone holiday teaching and coaching in any school,” Moriku declared. “It is imperative that schools adhere to the regulations and standards set by the Ministry. Our laws, regulations, and guidelines do not permit holiday teachings. Therefore, caution is advised.”

Minister Moriku further urged parents to pay special attention to the well-being of their children during the holiday period, particularly focusing on preventing teenage pregnancies and early marriages. She emphasized counseling on reproductive health and rights, advocating for abstinence, and instilling Christian values, cultural norms, morals, and social etiquette.

Reflecting on the challenges faced during term one, Moriku commended the discipline demonstrated by learners and expressed gratitude to school administrators, teachers, and students for their dedication. Looking ahead to term two, the ministry emphasized the importance of schools meeting minimum standards and basic requirements, especially regarding safety measures.

In other news, Uganda will participate in the inaugural National Play Day on April 30, celebrating play as a fundamental aspect of children’s learning and well-being. Under the theme, “Introducing the concept of play and learning through play,” the event aims to educate stakeholders on the importance of play in children’s development

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