Soroti West legislator Jonathan Ebwalu has sounded the alarm regarding the Ministry of Finance’s failure to allocate funds in the upcoming Financial Year 2024/2025 for compensating the people of Teso affected by the Karimojong raids.
Expressing his concern over what he perceives as a significant oversight, Ebwalu underscored the importance of adhering to the High Court ruling in Soroti, which mandated full compensation for those who suffered losses during the turbulent period.
Legal action was initiated by over 3,000 war claimants, led by former Kapelebyong MP Julius Ochan and Kasilo County MP Elijah Okupa, seeking redress for property, cattle, and lives lost in Teso between 1986 and 1994, as well as during the 200 LRA incursion.
Despite the court’s ruling in favour of compensation, Ebwalu criticized the government for its lack of action, accusing it of discriminatory practices in the compensation process.
He pointed out the absence of financial provisions designated for this purpose in the forthcoming fiscal year, exacerbating the frustration felt by the affected individuals.
The issue has reignited public discourse and increased pressure on the government to fulfill its obligations and provide restitution to the victims of the Karamoja insurgency in the Teso region.
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